FreeFromSchool is a forum for home education & home schooling parents to support one another. Exchange resources, legal advice, and much more. For the UK & other countries!
Feel free to ask questions from fellow parents ,to guide you through your home education or HomeSchooling Journey.
I go by my granddaughter could be nothing one day then next day she will do really well. All I know that she is happy now with home schooling.Her school didn't pick up her austism.
3-4 hours a day, 4 days a week. About 2 hours on a Friday and weekends are off (no homework). Mine is 8 years old. Completely normal to struggle getting them to sit still for more than an hour. How old is yours? I give regular breaks in between and try to switch up the work, so a bit of PE in between, switch from book work to laptop work.
We do 5 days a week , weekends off, around 1.5 hour a day.
We do touch and go , and see how the day goes.
We do not follow the curriculum, everything around us is a possibility to learn.
My child does 2 hours , with breaks in between